
  • Interests

    Currently of great interest for me is the internal structure of string and M-theory and of supergravity as their field-theoretical effective formulation. One of the possible descriptions of such structure can be given by presenting classes of solutions and listing their properties, that inspires me to focus my research at classification and investigation of properties of solutions of maximal and half-maximal (gauged) supergravities in various dimensions and more generally of Double/Exceptional Field Theory as its duality-covariant formulation.

    These include such fascinating objects as black holes, black rings, exotic branes and many others, which appear in physics in various aspects, such as black objects’ thermodynamics, information paradox, searches of de Sitter string vacua, near-horizon geometry, worldvolume gauge theories etc.

    Among the tools I use in my research are the techniques of special geometry (special holonomy, Killing spinors etc.) and those of Double/Exceptional Field theory. The latter allow to address the problem in a more duality-covariant way, construct exotic objects and even catch some non-perturbative features.

    Several posts of the blog on this site are devoted to the most basic features of DFT and xFT.

  • Research visits and stays

    1. AEI MPG, Potsdam, Germany, 10 July — 10 Aug, 2019
    2. APCTP, Pohang, Korea, 11 Jun — 02 Jul, 2018
    3. IMBM, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 Apr — 04 May, 2018 
    4. APCTP, Pohang, Korea, 09 Jun — 02 Jul, 2017
    5. VUB, Brussels, Belgium, 10 Oct — 14 Oct, 2017
    6. APCTP, Pohang, Korea, 16 May — 5 Jun, 2017
    7. CEA/Saclay, Paris, France, 20 Mar — 20 Apr, 2017
    8. Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK, 14 Nov — 14 Dec, 2016
    9. Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, 7 Mar — 7 Apr, 2016
    10. KIAS, Seoul, Korea, 28 April — 28 May, 2015
    11. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October — 22 November, 2014
    12. DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 23 November — 23 December, 2014

  • Projects 

    1. Local and global geometry of exotic backgrounds (David Berman, Dmitrii Rudinskiy, Artem Bolshov)

    2. Dynamics of exotic and D-branes in doubled and extended space (Chris Blair, Axel Kleinschmidt, Eric Bergshoeff, Fabio Riccioni), 1712.01739

    3. Non-geometric fluxes and U-duality orbits in xFT (David Berman, Ray Otsuki, Ilya Bakhmatov, Axel Kleinschmidt), 1710.09740

    4. Exotic branes in Double Field Theory and their geometric properties (Axel Kleinschmidt, Ilya Bakhmatov), 1607.05450,

    5. Classification of solutions of maximal $D=5$ supergravity (Henning Samtleben)

    6. Exceptional field theories (Henning Samtleben, Ilya Bakhmatov, Aidar Abzalov), 1412.7286, 1504.015231512.02163