When reading papers on string compactifications it is very soon becomes necessary to know such things as Killing spinors, holonomy, spin connection etc. In other words, spin geometry is very relevant to string phenomenology.
Here one can find a course of lectures for postgraduate students by José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Professor of Geometric Physics in the School of Mathematics. These are written in a compact and more or less understandable way.
There are some references at the bottom of the page. I would recommend to take a look at Real Killing spinors and holonomy by Christian Bär as it contains the classification of manifolds with real Killing spinors. For example, this theorem is used in heterotic compactifications. Actually, it is easier to follow thesis by Christoph Nölle.
Here one can find a course of lectures for postgraduate students by José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Professor of Geometric Physics in the School of Mathematics. These are written in a compact and more or less understandable way.
There are some references at the bottom of the page. I would recommend to take a look at Real Killing spinors and holonomy by Christian Bär as it contains the classification of manifolds with real Killing spinors. For example, this theorem is used in heterotic compactifications. Actually, it is easier to follow thesis by Christoph Nölle.